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I’M Goan And I Shower At Night!

If you’re a Goan who’s shifted to Mumbai, Bangalore or Delhi to work or study, I can bet you’ve faced people who turn speechless when they find out that you shower at night.

As for me, I can’t help but feel disgusted to find out that they don’t!!

The first time my new roommate found out that I wasn’t going to bathe that morning or the time I casually told a friend, “I can’t wait to go home and take a cold shower,” they looked at me with a smug look of morning squeaky cleanness!

Hold up!

There are these theories that support both bath-times, but here’s why bathing at night makes you feel so much better…

If you ARE living in a city like Mumbai or Delhi, you probably shower in the morning to freshen up for work.

But… it’s a city.

Everyone is literally covered in dust and grime 30 minutes after they step out the door. And most of them stay that way until the next morning. *puke*

Those who shower at night can take their own, sweet time without having to rush to work or have someone hammering on the door. There’s nowhere you have to be. Might as well sing, brainstorm or formulate an action plan for when an intruder sneaks in, right? Bathing at night is totally therapeutic – no rush, no worries about morning meetings and traffic jams. It’s simply a time to loosen up those muscles and wash the stress away!

There’s no better feeling than jumping into bed when you’re all cool and fresh. You definitely don’t feel gross when you slip between the sheets every night.

You’re clean… which keeps the sheets clean!

Not really the case when you slip into bed with the whole days worth of grime on your body now, is it?

Want to know another major perk of night-time showers? It takes two minutes to get ready in the morning. That translates to half an hour (at least) of more sleep WITH time for breakfast and finishing your homework. You won’t find Goans complaining about that!

AND another thing!!!

Got roommates? You know what it’s like to battle for bathroom time in the morning. If you’re the last one to bathe, you’ll have to jump in and jump out.

How is having to rush and hurry in the morning a good way to start a day! Please explain, morning bathers…

Let’s talk about hair! Sleeping with wet hair in the night means you’ve mastered the ‘bed head’ look in the morning. People pay beauty parlours A LOT to get the tousled look and we get it for free!.

Not to mention, spiders and creepy crawlies hate wet hair. So if you’re sleeping with dirty, dry hair, it’s like putting out the welcome mat for them. Hah!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but my hair takes hours to air-dry and style. So the options are limited to waking up at the crack of dawn to have enough time to wash, dry and style or looking like a wet, bedraggled cat all day. I ain’t got time for that!

We’re not against morning baths – hell, we may need to take them sometimes, too – to get through the humid summers. But what we don’t understand is everyone’s aversion to night showers.

Why the “euuuuu,” bro?

I for one, shower at night. If I get home at 1am, I’ll darn well shower at 1am.

Unless I know I’ll be late, which is when I’ll shower before I leave.

Ever try calling a Goan between 7-8pm? You would have DEFINITELY experienced his/her mother pick up the phone and tell you that your friend is in the shower. Amirite?

So – which side of the divide do you fall on? Comment below and lemme know!

Till next time!

P.S. Please don’t take 2-3 showers a day if you don’t need to! We’re in the midst of a drought, you know!

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